Kantor 2016 Pro

● 100% aslina ti MS activition online, konci légal

● kenop nu bisa dipaké sacara permanen teu kudu salempang ngeunaan keur dipeungpeuk

● Dijieun di AS bisa ngaropéa. Urang tiasa ngalakukeun naon rék

  • Pamayaran: T / T, Wu
  • Pangiriman: DHL, suweng, FedEx
  • Basa: Multilingual
  • Aplikasi: Area Global
  • Sertifikasi: MS
  • Media: DVD
  • Panjelasan Produk



    Profésional Software Supplier -Microsoft Kantor 2016 Pro Ditambah Box 1SP USB Jeung Card Key 

    Kecap konci: kantor 2016 pro tambah, Microsoft kantor 2016, jandéla kantor 2016

    Rincian produk:

    Tempat Asal:

    AS / Hongkong / Singapura / Irlandia

    Ngaran brand:


    Jumlah modél:

    Kantor 2016 Pro Ditambah 1SP USB * 1

    Pembayaran & pengiriman barang Sarat:

    Kuantitas Orde minimum:

    30 sapotong



    Rincian bungkusan:

    Pabrik disegel kotak Retail

    Waktos pangiriman:

    1-3 poé

    Sarat pembayaran:

    T / T, Wu, PayPal

    Suplai Kamampuhan:

    100, 000 PCS / Bulan

     Lengkep Pedaran Produk

    Profésional Software Supplier -Microsoft Kantor 2016 Pro Ditambah Box 1SP USB Jeung Card Key

    Pedaran produk

    Ieu Brand New jeung item henteu kapake. Anjeun purchasing a Microsoft Office 2016 Profesional Ditambah jeung konci aktivasina pikeun 1 pamaké / 1 PC wungkul. Ieu bakal datangna jeung Kantor Profesional Ditambah 2016. Ieu cara merenah pikeun install onto desktops na laptop nu teu boga hiji drive optik.
    Create and share professional-looking documents with state-of-the-art editing, reviewing, and sharing tools. The new Design tab provides quick access to features, and Smart Lookup shows relevant contextual information from the web directly inside Word.
    Analyze and visualize your data in new and intuitive ways with a fresh user interface plus your favorite keyboard shortcuts. Leverage features like Analysis Toolpak, Slicers, and Formula Builder to save time, so you can focus on insights.
    It’s your very own digital notebook, so you can keep notes, ideas, web pages, photos, even audio and video all in one place. Whether you’re at home, in the office, or on the move, you can take it all with you wherever you go while sharing and collaborating with others.
    Can I use this on my Apple Mac Computer or Linux computer?
    Taya, ieu téh keur PC wungkul. Iyeu moal jalan mun dina sagala produk Kantor dirancang pikeun komputer Apple. Ayeuna, taya Produk Microsoft Office pikeun komputer Linux.
    Teu ieu datangna kalayan kartu konci atanapi KoA Sticker?
    Taya, anjeun lalaki nu Key Produk ritel sarua salaku lamun anjeun purchasing a download digital langsung ti ramatloka Microsoft. Ku kituna henteu Card Key atanapi KoA ieu shipped. Kawas Microsoft, anjeun bakal meunang talatah surélék kalawan Key Produk Anjeun.  
    Is the 8GB USB Drive included a Microsoft USB drive?
    Taya, sakumaha Microsoft teu nawiskeun hiji instalasi USB drive pikeun produk ieu. Salaku hiji bonus ditambahkeun, jeung genah anjeun, urang téh kaasup a 3 pihak USB drive ka ngalengkepan pamasangan.

    Inpo produk:
    * 100% aktivasina online
    * online meta konci kode FPP OEM
    * waktos Diterangkeun: dina 24 jam, ngirim online
    * pamayaran: Wu, Moneygram mindahkeun bank
    * Hiji konci hiji meuli, pernah ngajual hiji konci kalayan sababaraha kali, kenop pikeun pamakéan permanén
    * pilari jangka panjang cooperator, kualitas sarta sanggeus-jasa 100% dijamin
    * A harga alus kalawan kualitas alus, urang ngan tetep kualitas luhur, tetep trustable mun pembeli
    * Meuli deui, nyadiakeun diskon langkung tambahan

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