
Guuleysato 10 guriga FPP

● Windows 10 Home rakibo Version buuxa iyo dardargelinta by internet, taageertaa warsiinta rasmi online.

● Windows 10 Home damaanad edition buuxa, jaanqaadaan nidaamka 64bits, shaqo buuxda ka mid ah

● Windows 10 Home Version buuxa ayaa cover Security, Made in Ireland



  • Payment: T / T, Wu
  • Delivery: oogeen, EMS, FedEx
  • Edition: Tafaariiqda
  • Trial Order: Available
  • Media: Flash USB
  • Brand: MS
  • description Product



    Win 10 Home Title: Microsoft Windows 10 Home (64-Inyar) - Windows Words Key: guuleysato 10 guriga, guuleysato 10 OEM guriga Features Product Hel diyaar u waayo-aragnimo Windows ah oo dhan-cusub oo  Microsoft Windows 10 . Tani nidaamka cusub ee hawlgalka isku daraa qaababka ugu fiican ee  Windows 7  iyo  Windows 8.1  inaad rafcaan u qaadato oo ka farxin labadaba taabashada iyo mouse isticmaala. Iska Jooji dib oo si deg deg ah loo helo apps jecel, goobaha, files iyo dheeraad ah a, keyboard yar, qasabno ama qasabadaha, sida Menu Start waa dib u la jilay bur burka iyo awoodaha cusub. Raadi your computer, Web ah, aad u hesho wararkii ugu dambeeyay iyo cimilada oo dheeraad ah oo gargaar ka Cortana,  Windows 10 kaaliyaha digital shakhsi 's. Ku raaxayso waayo-aragnimo ah Internet oo dhan-cusub oo Microsoft Edge, browser Web cusub in ay si degdeg ah, socon oo loo dhisay for Internet casri ah maanta. Gaashaan aad PC ka dhib la Windows Daafaca dhafan iyo Windows Brannmur. Iyada oo waxaas oo dhan iyo in ka badan, ma aha waqti cusub  Windows  -aragnimo? Joog wax soo saar leh Windows 10 Home, kaas oo isku daraa qaababka ugu fiican ee ka Windows 7 iyo Windows 8.1 farxin labadaba taabashada iyo mouse users dhakhso ah loo helo apps, goobaha iyo files in a, keyboard yar, yeerto ama qasabadaha la soo laabashada Menu Start ah, taas oo ayaa la kordhiyay oo la dusiyeen bur burka iyo awoodaha cusub Fardoleydoy xoogga badhanka Task View on Launch in ay si deg deg ah ku dhex apps orodka aad beddelato dhig apps furan oo taageero Desktop Virtual, taas oo kuu ogolaanaysaa inaad abuuro desktops la lahaayeen barnaamijyadooda ku saabsan baahida gaar ah abaabulan raaxaysta shaqeynta aan xuduud lahayn oo u dhexeeya casriga ah iyo Win32 apps la kartida si loo yareeyo, loo kordhiyo, ucabirto iyo beddesho on desktop-ka   Change the layout of your open windows on your desktop with Snap enhancements, which feature consistency across modern and Win32 apps, Snap Assist and four-quadrant Snap that fills your screen with four apps in a two-by-two configuration Utilize Cortana, your personal digital assistant, who is always at the ready and brings you what you need without disturbing the conversation — search the Web, read the news, find things on your PC and more Keep your favorites, interests, investments and more easily accessible with Cortana’s Notebook, where she keeps track of your personal likes, preferences and more Surf the Web with Microsoft Edge, a Web browser that is fast, compatible and built for today’s Internet, and keep your online collections of favorites, reading lists, browsing history and current downloads in The Hub Safeguard your PC with Windows Defender and Windows Firewall — both working to protect your PC by scanning for malicious software PICTURES Shuruudaha PC 

    Details: Details:
    PC Video 800 x 600 DirectX kaarka video 9-jaan darawalka WDDM 1.0
    System PC Memory 2 gigabytes
    PC Shuruudaha dheeraad ah 20GB drive adag, 2GB RAM, processor 1.0GHz, 800 x 600 DirectX kaarka video 9-jaan darawalka WDDM 1.0
    PC Speed ​​processor 1.0 gigahertz


    Details: Details:
    Daabacaadda Microsoft
    Taariikhda lagu sii daynayo 09/08/2015
    Platform Windows
    Cloud Salaysan Software No
    Drive Type DVD-ROM
    Hard Drive Space baahan yahay 20 gigabytes
    Version yara 64-bit
    color Category Multi
    casriyayn No

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