
Win 10 musha oem

● Windows 10 Home rizere Version chokugadza activation kubudikidza internet, inotsigira yepamutemo updating online.

● Windows 10 Home rizere shanduro zvinovimbisa, inowirirana 64bits maitiro, shanda zvizere zvaisanganisira

● Windows 10 Home rizere Version ane Security pakavha, Made in Ireland

  • Payment: T / T, Wu
  • Delivery: dhl, EMS, FedEx
  • Kutongwa Order: Support
  • Brand: Microsoft
  • Edition: OEM
  • Lead nguva: 3 Days
  • Product tsananguro



    Win 10 musha
    Title: Microsoft Windows 10 Home (64-Bit) - Windows
    Key Words: kuhwina 10 musha; kuhwina 10 musha oem
    Product Features
    Gadzirira ane itsva zvose Windows ruzivo pamwe  Microsoft Windows 10 . Ichi chitsva uchishandisa hurongwa anosanganisa yakanakisisa zviri  Windows 7  uye  Windows 8.1  kukumbira uye kufadza vanenderera mbeva vanozvishandisa. Kukava shure uye kukurumidza kuwana kufarira Apps dzenyu, anoiswa, mafaira uye zvakawanda mashoma keystrokes, the clicks kana taps, sezvo Start Menu adzoka pamwe sizeable usina kukonekita uye zvinogonekwa itsva. Search kombiyuta yako, iyo Web, kuwana nhau uye ekunze uye zvakawanda tichibatsirwa Cortana,  Windows 10 's pachake digitaalinen mubatsiri. Nakidzwa ane itsva zvose Internet ruzivo pamwe Microsoft Edge, itsva Web Browser kuti makasimba, enderana uye kuvakwa kuti ano Internet yanhasi. Kutovhara PC wako asakuvadzwa pamwe revatema Windows Airwira uye Windows Firewall. With zvose izvi uye zvimwe, haisi nguva yokuti idzva  Windows  ruzivo?
    Gara zvibereko pamwe Windows 10 Home, iro rinobatanidza akanakisisa zviri kubva Windows 7 uye Windows 8.1 kufadza kubatwa uye mbeva vanoshandisa
    Kurumidza kuwana Apps dzenyu, anoiswa uye mafaira mune keystrokes shoma, the clicks kana yoguma pamwe kudzoka Start Menu, izvo yave chakaiswa sizeable usina kukonekita uye zvinogonekwa itsva
    Sungai simba Task View bhatani pamusoro taskbar nokukurumidza chinja pakati kwenyu kumhanya Apps
    Rambai yako asvinure Apps zvakarongwa nemashoko Virtual Desktop rutsigiro, iyo inotiita iwe kusika desktops pamwe Apps kuti chokuita zvimwe zvinodiwa
    Nakidzwa musono functionality pakati ano uye Win32 Apps vachikwanisa kurerutsa, maximize, resize uye kushandura maonero pamusoro pakombiyuta  
    Change the layout of your open windows on your desktop with Snap enhancements, which feature consistency across modern and Win32 apps, Snap Assist and four-quadrant Snap that fills your screen with four apps in a two-by-two configuration
    Utilize Cortana, your personal digital assistant, who is always at the ready and brings you what you need without disturbing the conversation — search the Web, read the news, find things on your PC and more
    Keep your favorites, interests, investments and more easily accessible with Cortana’s Notebook, where she keeps track of your personal likes, preferences and more
    Surf the Web with Microsoft Edge, a Web browser that is fast, compatible and built for today’s Internet, and keep your online collections of favorites, reading lists, browsing history and current downloads in The Hub
    Safeguard your PC with Windows Defender and Windows Firewall — both working to protect your PC by scanning for malicious software
    PC Zvinodiwa 

    Specs: Details:
    PC Video 800 x 600 DirectX 9-enderana mavhidhiyo kadhi WDDM 1.0 mutyairi
    PC System Memory 2 gigabytes
    PC Additional Zvinodiwa 20GB zvakaoma nemotokari, 2GB RAM, 1.0GHz processor, 800 x 600 DirectX 9-enderana mavhidhiyo kadhi WDDM 1.0 mutyairi
    PC Processor Speed 1.0 gigahertz


    Specs: Details:
    mutsikisi Microsoft
    Release Date 09/08/2015
    dandara Windows
    Cloud Based Software Aihwa
    Drive Type DVD-ROM
    Hard Drive Space Required 20 gigabytes
    ikakuruma Version 64-ikakuruma
    Color Category Multi
    ndiwedzere Aihwa

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